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9Questions — Angelo Rufino, Bain Capital — Going for the in-between



9Questions — Angelo Rufino, Bain Capital — Going for the in-between

Rachel Butt's avatar
  1. Rachel Butt
6 min read

The Celts believed that, on the night of Halloween, the boundary between the living and the dead would blur and become the thinnest, allowing spirits to pass through.

The grey space that exists between the private equity and credit worlds is what fascinates Angelo Rufino. Earlier this year, Rufino joined Bain Capital as a partner and head of special situations in North America as well as head of corporate special situations in Europe. Before that, he spent more than a decade in Brookfield Asset Management.

9fin sat down with Rufino to talk about his vision for the team, strategy and whether the pumpkins got him this season.

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