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Announcing the most impactful CLO news, data and analytics at your fingertips


Product Update

Announcing the most impactful CLO news, data and analytics at your fingertips

Andrew Wong's avatar
  1. Andrew Wong
•3 min read

Today we are excited to launch 9fin’s CLO structured credit offering.

With exclusive up-to-date reporting, world leading expert analysis and a modern data platform, our CLO offering will enable you to:

  1. Make better decisions faster
  2. Simplify your workflows
  3. Ultimately win business

Fill in the form below to book a free trial!

Gain insights from the most experienced team in the business

We have coupled the most experienced CLO specialists in the industry with modern technology to give you the deepest and freshest insights on CLO market dynamics.

Whether it be reporting behind the scenes on primary and secondary market transactions, or analysing the central themes affecting performance and deal-production, our team look beyond the headline numbers to uncover what’s really moving the market.

Spend less time looking for data, and more time making decisions based on data.

Up-to-date CLO primary pricings, full capital structures, deal info and key parties, as well as the latest holdings data are just some of the information you can find in our CLO database.

Use 9fin structured credit to do the following (and more):

  • Pinpoint specific CLOs by quickly filtering deals from a range of criteria.
  • Identify the most prolific managers or arrangers and gain new business.
  • Identify CLO investment opportunities and click through to the underlying instruments to analyse price information, company newsflow, financial documents, and more.

Streamline your workflows, save time, and win business.

Structured credit is the latest market to benefit from our AI powered data & analytics platform and world leading CLO content.

A subscription to the 9fin structured credit offering will provide you with detailed CLO market analyses at your fingertips and full access to our powerful CLO data screener.

Be the most informed person in the CLO market - monitor competitor activity and identify opportunities to win business, faster.

What are you waiting for?

Try it out
  • We're trusted by the top 10 Investment Banks