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Excess Spread — Warm bodies, mighty no more, the smallest deal


Market Wrap

Excess Spread — Warm bodies, mighty no more, the smallest deal

Owen Sanderson's avatar
  1. Owen Sanderson
11 min read

Warm bodies

Another week of furious primary activity in ABS markets, and it’s increasingly clear that the market simply isn’t staffed up for this level of supply. Syndications seem to have been mostly successful, but timelines dragged on some trades, and sheer portfolio management bandwidth has been limited. 

Investment teams that are staffed for three deals a week have had, in euro consumer ABS alone, Red & Black ItalyCars Alliance Auto Lease France V 2023-1RevoCar 2023-2CIART 2023Marzio Finance 12-2023Santander Consumer Spain Auto 2023-1Vasco Finance No.1 and (possibly) the privately placed Golden Bar 2023-2 on their desks this week. As I write this, Credit Agricole just announced Gingko Personal Loans 2023, so add that to the mix.

Some of these were holdovers from previous weeks, Santander Spain will execute this week coming, but it all adds up to a heavy lift. It’s not like covered bonds where you just eyeball the curve and check you’ve heard of that particular bank; there’s some real credit work to do in these deals. Investors and banks (and, uh, journalistic operations) need to staff up if we’re going to carry on like this.

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