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Market Wrap

Excess Spread — where the bonds went, E-MAC and cheese, mechanical trouble

Owen Sanderson's avatar
  1. Owen Sanderson
13 min read

Where did all the bonds go?

As the LDI crisis hit last year, UK real money funds sold a lot of bonds! It was a pretty exciting few days (to sideline gawkers such as myself) and pretty horrifying for treasurers with deals in market, arrangers looking for exits, or investors marking down their positions.

But with the dust well and truly settled and markets back to functioning, what does the landscape for securitised markets look like?

Dealers, we understand, did step up during the tough times and take bonds down. Catching a falling knife is more attractive if you’re buying bulletproof bonds with low capital charges, getting puked out for technical reasons not credit reasons. One suspects that a few “flow trading” desks were quite happy to do a little bit of stealthy prop trading against an excellent backdrop.

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