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The most important deal(s) in the world


News and Analysis

The most important deal(s) in the world

Owen Sanderson's avatar
  1. Owen Sanderson
•14 min read

Right now, JP Morgan is marketing a series of transactions which might be the most important deals the capital markets will see this year. That’s a bold claim, but here’s why we think it stacks up.

The deals under discussion are “significant risk transfer” (SRT) securitisation deals on a portfolio of around $25bn, of which the bulk is said to be US investment grade lending. In other words, JP Morgan sells the junior risk of this portfolio off to the market, keeping the low risk senior portion. This cuts the capital requirements associated with the portfolio; instead of a package of risk averaging say, triple-B, JP Morgan remains exposed only to a senior securitisation tranche at triple-A or double-A level.

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