Winding Up — A(i)trocity exhibition
- Will Macadam
Winding Up is 9fin's weekly newsletter, incorporating summaries and commentary from our European distressed coverage for the past week. Find out more about what we do for distressed here.
What can we infer from a Bank of England survey of British business investment into AI technology? Trends that apply to the wider European market… or so we hope.
The UK’s central bank released a short piece of analysis last Friday, 11 October, pulled from an Autumn 2023 survey of its business contacts. Our dear friends at the Bank of England were primarily concerned with the affects of the widespread adoption of AI on the UK labour market.
Spoilers: they conclude that the timing and size of the disruption to the UK labour market is uncertain. The risk to jobs is widespread, but seems to be focused on professional services — which is unlikely to surprise anyone reading this.